05-10-2024 / 18:30 - 19:30 Theatre


Xirriquiteula Teatre (Catalunya)

Magna Room

Type of audience: +4

Saturday, 5 October, at 6:30 p.m.


Xirriquiteula Teatre (Catalonia)

Running time: 55 min

+ 4 years

€ 3


1957. We are in Moscow. During the Cold War and the Space Race. Laika is a puppy who survives on the streets of the frozen city. Little does she imagine that her destiny will carry her into space in the Sputnik II spacecraft, that she will be remembered in humanity’s history as the first living being to orbit the Earth. A puppy who also fell victim to abuse in others’ power struggles.


In this show, Xirriquiteula Teatre uses techniques as diverse as live rear projections, puppets, automatons, shadow play and acting. The characters speak in pseudo-Russian gibberish, accompanied by a magnificent soundtrack. All these elements have been delicately woven together through long and intensive collective work, to which each actor has brought their individual skills and knowledge.


A show for all ages. Not only does it speak of the sky’s marvels but also of the Earth’s injustices.




· 2021 MAX Award. Best Show for Family Audiences. Spanish Association of Authors (SGAE)
· 2020 GUINEUETA Award for a show’s evolution. Friends of Teatre Zorrilla de Badalona
· 2019 FETEN Award Gijón. Best Authorship and Direction
· BBVA 2019 Award. Best Show
· 2018 CRITIC’S Award. Best Show for Family Theatre
· VENUS 2019. Special Merit. Badalona City Council
· DRAC D’OR 2018. Children’s Jury Best Show. Lleida International Puppet Fair
· DRAC D’OR 2018. Best Scenography. Lleida International Puppet Fair



Tarifa General

3.00 €